Research List 5
1662 CU RAF Blyton 1- 8- 43 to 10- 10- 43
F/Lt Hagerman DFC –
Sgt Clift –
Sgt Clift is noted in 1662CU records in September as having received a DFM for gallantry/ meritorious service with 101 Squadron
Sgt Bell –
was the flight engineer with Jim’s 625 Squadron crew having joined them at 1662 CU. When the crew was split up Sgt Bell was transferred out to 103 Squadron where he joined F/Sgt Frank Law’s crew.
Sgt Cloutman (not named in log book but recalled by Geoff Yates)-
Went on to join the 12 Squadron crew of P/O Cyril Kroemer.
Sgt Moreton –
F/O Jones –
Jones promoted to F/O w.e.f. 6 th May 1943.
Sgt Wadsworth – Probably P/O PhilipWadsworth flight engineer instructor, later killed on operations
with 156 Squadron crew of W/C E C Eaton.
F/O Benée –
P/O Wales –
Sgt Law’s crew –
It seems that one of his crew members at 27 OTU,
Sgt White was killed in a flying accident on 4 th April 1942.
Law’s crew was decimated by other losses:-
was killed while flying with F/S McMahon on 24/12/43.
Law’s original navigator Sgt Mackay dropped out after four operations.
F/Sgt Thomas Leslie Hobson Kay RAAF B/A., from Redhead NSW and Sgt Cyril Walter Plampton (a/g)
were lost flying with F/S Richter on 16/12/43 ‘Black Thursday’.
Sgt Jack Bays Daniel from Huntington, Yorks. (a/g) was lost flying with F/L Hopps on 2/12/43.
Sgt Ronald Sydney Johnstone W/Op,Ag from Newcastle, Staffordshire d. 20-
F/O Ralph –
F/S McGowan –
Elevated to rank of F/Lt w.e.f. 5 th July 1943 having served previously with 101 Squadron.
W/Co E C Eaton, OC 1662 CU. –
while serving with 156 Squadron